I write.I forget to post.Repeat.

I like to say that I’m a writer because that’s what I wanted to be when I grew up. Well, I wanted to be a journalist. Until I realized it wasn’t as glamorous as Lois Lane [Superman] or in more modern times, Iris West-Allen [the Flash]. Ha. Bet you didn’t know I was a fan of comic stories. I used to be exclusively Marvel with a slight thing for Batman [Dark Knight was so good], but the “Arrowverse” drew me into a broader knowledge of DC. None of what you just read is the point of my post. Except that this is how I end up writing things down on paper that never end up published anywhere. I tend to bounce pretty easily from one idea to another and then go really far before trying to circle back. Usually, I forget the whole point by the time I get there.

I did not forget what I needed to say. It’s a lot to unpack because the last time I was here, I was in a completely different mindspace. By no means have I stopped having disturbing intrusive thoughts that make me question myself. I’ve learned a bit about dealing with them. I still have moments where I’m depressed. I haven’t been cured. I want to focus elsewhere today.

I’m still tracking my food and trying to lose fat and gain muscle. I’m not doing great at it, but I haven’t gained any weight. I recently noticed another inch came off of my waist, which is progress. I had the confidence to wear 2 piece bathing suits on my family vacation to a waterpark.

I still do Crossfit most days of the week. I work on additional strength and cardio after workouts. I’ve been more consistent about going to Saturday morning workouts. They’re fun because it’s usually a team workout and I get to see people I normally don’t see at weekday classes. I’ve also been bringing my youngest kid with me to the gym 3 days a week so she can do a teen class right after my 7am class. She’s really good at it. It feels good to know that we’re doing something together. I also really hope it instills fitness into her routine.

Despite swearing off long runs, I signed up to run a half marathon on October 18th. My training plan is written, but I’m having it looked over by people I trust to see if I need adjustments. I might even need to get the nutrition coach involved again to make sure I eat enough to train. I’m excited to run this half again. My 2020 experience was great and the scenery was breathtaking. It made for nice race photos.

I’m excited to share the process of training for another half marathon, my 6.6k race in August, and my progress in Crossfit. Both sports have people involved who are supportive and encouraging. I encourage anyone on the fence about starting something fitness related to check one out.

Thanks for reading! I love to write! I appreciate and encourage feedback. Contact me however you feel comfortable. Here’s a fun post workout pic from this past Saturday! I’m one sweaty woman: